August 6 - 11, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Two Months To Go!

It is exciting to see everyone preparing so well for our trek that is coming up in less than two months!  The pre-trek activity was a success.  Thank you, Enterprise Ward, for hosting and feeding us!

In this post I'll give you a brief itinerary of what we will be doing on the trek, plus a list of things you need to bring.


Monday, August 6th

  • Meet at Baker City Chapel at 7 a.m. wearing your trek clothes.  Eat breakfast before you come.
  • Family assignments will be given. You will ride to and from Martin's Cove with your families on your assigned buses.  They will become your friends and support group throughout the week, although you will still see your other friends too.
  • Bags to hold your sleeping bags, foam pads, and pillows will be handed out.  Just bring those things in a black garbage bag and you can switch them at the church.
  • Bring sack lunch for this day only; bring water bottle.
  • Spend night in Evanston, Wyoming.

Tuesday, August 7th

  • Arrive at Martin's Cove, Wyoming, in the afternoon.
  • Orientation; load handcarts; hike to campsite.
  • Evening activities

Wednesday, August 8th

  • Martin's Cove 
  • Drive to Sixth Crossing at the base of Rocky Ridge.
  • Evening activities

Thursday, August 9th

  • Hike up Rocky Ridge (14.8 miles)
  • Rock Creek Hollow
  • Testimony Meeting

 Friday, August 10th

  • Drive to Salt Lake.
  • Shower at motel and put on regular clothes (jeans for boys, jeans or capris for girls (no shorts for anyone); trek T-shirts will be passed out for you to wear today).
  • Temple Square

Saturday, August 11th

  • Travel to Baker City chapel wearing regular clothes
Beginning with Monday evening's dinner, all meals will be provided so no one will starve!  They will be prepared by Allen and Pam Bingham, Brent and Jeannette Thompson, Nick and Hilary Cox, and Colby and Erin Thompson.  Please remember to thank them often!

Packing List for the Trek 

Write your name on everything with a sharpie marking pen!

5-gallon Bucket

The total weight in your bucket must not exceed 17 pounds (that does not include the weight of the bucket).  The buckets will travel with you on your handcarts.  Put smallers items in zip-lock bags to protect them.  Obviously, the bag with your sleeping bag will not go in your bucket.

  • Personal scriptures (do you have an old set or paperback copy?)
  • An extra set of trek clothing (clothing list is below)
  • Leather gloves for pulling the handcarts
  • Small towel and washcloth
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Bar of soap
  • Deodorant
  • Comb or brush
  • If you use contact lenses, you may consider wearing glasses during the trek--it gets dusty and windy there
  • Any other necessary hygiene products
  • Personal medication or other personal care items/first aid things such as band-aids, moleskin, kleenex, etc.
  • Insect repellent (Deet is a good kind)
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • Sturdy water bottle or canteen (not a cheap bottle that may easily break)
  • Journal and pens
  • Poncho
  • Camera (optional)
  • Sunglasses
  • Wipes 
  • Small hand sanitizer
  • Neck cooler (optional)
  • Chapstick
  • Sunscreen 
  • Powder for chafing

Bag for Sleeping Items

Remember:  bring these items in a black garbage bag to Baker City.  You will receive another bag to switch them into.  Your assigned family will have the same color of bags.  Put your garbage bag inside, just in case of rain.

  • Sleeping bag
  • Extra blanket if necessary
  • Foam pad
  • Pillow
  • Sweatshirt or light jacket
  • Pajamas (make sure they're warm; you also may want clean socks to wear at night and maybe a knit cap--it is cold at night)
Duffel Bag 

You will not see your duffel bag until Friday when we are in Salt Lake. 

  • Clothing for Friday and Saturday (nice jeans, shoes (no flip flops); modest T-shirts on Saturday).  You will be given a Trek T-shirt to wear on Friday.
  • Any other personal care things, such as makeup and curling irons, etc.


  • 2 complete pioneer outfits--one to wear and one in your bucket
  • Strong tennis shoes that are broken in and comfortable; make sure the shoe laces are good
  • Old tennis shoes or water shoes (no flip flops), and a plastic zip-lock to put them in (these will go in your bucket).  You will need these when we do the river crossing.
  • 3-4 pairs of underwear
  • 4-6 pairs of socks
  • Poncho (like the kind you get at Dollar Tree)

Women's Clothing
  • 2 blouses--long sleeved, loose fitting, cotton blends
  • 2 skirts--boot length, mid-calf, not dragging the ground
  • OR 2 dresses with modest neckline, "boot-length"
  • Scrub pants 
  • Bonnet with straps
  • Optional:  apron, pantaloons, and bloomers
Men's Clothing
  • 2 shirts--button down type with collars, long sleeves
  • 2 pair long pants, lightweight khaki type (no jeans)
  • Wide-brimmed hat to shade ears from sun (no baseball caps)
  • Optional:  vest, suspenders

Please do not bring:

  • Candy or food of any kind (except for your sack lunch on Monday)
  • Electronic devices (cell phones, music players, ipods, electronic games)
  • Other games or playing cards
  • Jewelry (other than a simple watch) 
Other things to know:  
  •  At this time of preparation, you should be building up your stamina and hydrating your body.  Be prepared! 
  • There will be a paramedic, family doctor, emergency room doctor, nurses, and a podiatrist on the trek.

President Hinckley once said that the cemetery area of Martin's Cove was Wyoming's temple.  It is a very sacred place.  The trek is not just a hike.  It is a place of joy and a place of pain.


  1. Thank you for posting this, it’s nice to have just a list of everything. Seeing this I hope to be able to be prepared for Trek. It will defiantly be a strong experience.

  2. Thanks for your hard work, Karen!! This looks great! It is so nice to have a good idea of what we will need to be totally prepared. We can't wait!
